Tuesday 17 June 2008

I'm a Crime Writer!

Yes indeedy, folks. You heard it here first. The next Northern Irish crime writer will be... me! (Unless some other bugger I haven't heard about gets in there first.)

The most excellent people at Guildhall Press will be publishing my West Belfast crime novel, Piranhas, some time before Christmas 2008.

Holy crap!

Guildhall also published Yours Confidentially by Garbhán Downey. I'm in pretty damn good company.


Michael Stone said...

Feck! Congratulations, man!

Just in time for Christmas, too. Make mine a signed copy.

jerrygordon said...

Can't resist a second round of Congrats. Fecking Brilliant News!

Wish I was there to raise many pints in your honor! Well done!

Gerard Brennan said...

Mike - Thank you, sir. And that can certainly be arranged.


Gerard Brennan said...

Jerry - Thanks again, mate. I'll raise an extra couple for you at the weekend.


J. Kingston Pierce said...

Congratulations, Gerard.

Jeff Pierce
Editor, The Rap Sheet

Gerard Brennan said...

Thanks, Jeff! for the congrats, and for stopping by.


Peter Rozovsky said...

Mazel tov, you old SOB! I'll raise a couple for you in September.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

colman said...

Top man..........more added to the TBR pile!

Gerard Brennan said...

Peter - Thanks, ye boy ye. You're a saint and a scholar. May the road rise up and all that jazz.

Colman - Cool. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it.


Uriah Robinson said...

Congratulations can't wait to read it. With a title like that I gather it is book about you bank manager.
The huge advance should keep him at bay. ;o)

David Todd said...

Well Done! I'll make a point of going to the book launch whether it's in Belfast or Derry.Keep us updated :-)

Gerard Brennan said...

Norm - Thanks very much, sir. Not so sure about keeping the bank manager at bay, but a fellah can dream.

Dave - That'd be great. Nothing finalised, but I'd like to think I could launch it in both cities, though not at the same time... Will keep you posted.
