Monday 16 June 2008

Happy Bloomsday!

And to celebrate, I've got one signed copy of Adrian McKinty's The Bloomsday Dead, released just a few days ago through Serpent's Tail, that will go to a lucky CSNI reader.

What do you have to do? First person to name the book's protagonist gets it. Just put your answer in the comment box. Easy Peasy.

Then email me at gerardforpresident(at) with your postal address, and I'll send it off to you ASAP.

You know you want it.

Please note, this is the third in a trilogy and due to my abhorrence of spoilers I highly recommend that you read Dead I Well May Be before reading The Bloomsday Dead.


Michael Stone said...

Michael Forsythe.

Gerard Brennan said...


The book is yours, sir.


Michael Stone said...

I knew my Net lurking habits would pay off one day! I'll drop you a line shortly...