Tuesday 7 July 2009

Adrian McKinty -- No Alibis Event

no alibis bookstore. 83 Botanic Avenue Belfast



“Fifty Grand

Cuban cop Mercado has a score to settle, on behalf of a deadbeat dad, a ‘traitor’ who skipped free from Castro’s control to set up a new life working illegally in Colorado. He settled in a ski resort popular with the Hollywood Scientology set, where a façade of legality is maintained by the immigrant cleaners and labourers working for below minimum wage while the local sheriff is bribed to turn a blind eye. Hernandez Sr’s dreams of fortune and freedom are shattered when he is killed in a hit-and-run accident.
Sworn to avenge his death, Mercado has some obstacles to overcome – not least getting out of Cuba, where visas are as elusive as constant electricity

Those who know McKinty will automatically tighten their seatbelts. To newcomers I say: buckle up and get set for a bumpy ride through a very harsh landscape indeed’
Matthew Lewin, Guardian

‘Packed with sharp dialogue and unremitting action’ Marcel Berlins, The Times

Adrian McKinty was born and grew up in Carrickfergus. He studied politics at Oxford University and after a failed legal career he moved to the US in the early 1990s. He found work as a security guard, postman, construction worker, barman, rugby coach and bookstore clerk before becoming a school teacher, Adrian now resides in Melbourne, Australia

RSVP: 02890319601 david@noalibis.com


Stuart Neville said...

I shall have to get along to this one. I bought a US edition of 50G at No Alibis a few weeks back but haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I keep opening it now and then to read a couple of sentences - extrardinary prose.

adrian mckinty said...

I'll be there too, it sounds brilliant.

Incidentally I'll be having a little competition. I'm going to be giving away the annotated US galley that I used for the final copy edit of the book. This thing might be valuable one day if I go on to assassinate someone famous for example.

adrian mckinty said...

David incidentally has put aside a signed copy of The Twelve just for me. Aint that sweet of him?

seana graham said...

Nice plug, gb. I just hope this McGinty guy is worth all the fuss.

Ian said...

No, no. You don't get away with it that easy. That's not what you promised in the comments to your blog post.

Thank you Marco for the hyperlink tutorial. It enables me to do this:

naked interpretive dancing

Anonymous said...

NO!! i am going to miss Mr McKinty again. recently got a us edition from No Alibis, but it's still on the pile... hope to read it soon.
i'll have to see if i can leave work early and speak nicely to my wife... may be difficult as i've managed to persuade her to let me out to No Alibis tomorrow. i'll look after the kids all weekend!

Peter Rozovsky said...

Sorry I can't make it. Hoist ap int for me, and I hope McKinty knocks 'em dead.
Detectives Beyond Borders
“Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home”

Gerard Brennan said...

Peter - I'll raise two for you!



marco said...

Remember to upload the video of the exhibition on youtube, Gerard. And raise a few pints for me also.


seana graham said...

Chameless is fine, but chameful it had better not be.

I'd say raise a pint for me too, but I want you guys to at least be able to walk home...

Gerard Brennan said...

Marco and Seana - There were enough pints for everyone!


seana graham said...

That's hard to believe.

Sounds like it was a good time, though. When are you going to put up the pics?