This first link's all about me! My story, Hard Rock, has just been published in issue 29 of Thug Lit. Won't ya go on over? I'm proud of this story, but I feel obliged to warn you; there's quite an ick factor at work in it. The premise is not one bit pretty.
I just noticed the other day that the BBC has put this excellent collection of video interviews on their Get Writing web page. Funny how most of them are Norn Irish crime fiction writers, eh? By the way, Ian McDonald is a master in the science fiction genre. If you read beyond crime, do yourself a favour and pick up one of his books. Start with Sacrifice of Fools.
And Dec Burke wrote a very thought-provoking post over at Crime Always Pays last Saturday. Who's to blame for the state of publishing right now? The publishers, according to Dec. Oh, and the writers too. Daring statements from our Mister Burke? Whatever next? If you're wondering who's side the scallywag is on, go read the post.
Stuart Neville's in writer heaven right now. The proofs for The Twelve thumped his doormat this week. Great news, as it means we're all a step closer to reading the much anticipated debut.
And finally, Verbal Magazine have revamped their website. It's gone all php and there's a handy search feature. Tap in my name and three of my reviews pop up. I think they've still a little content to add, but I hope that eventually you'll also be able to find my story, Bouncer, on there as well as an opinion piece I did a while back.
So, that'll keep you busy while I finish up reading Walking the Perfect Square. You should get a review of that at the end of this week or the start of next.
Gerard, your Hard Rock story was one of the most disgusting, sickest and depraved things that I've ever read. Congratulations.
It's excellent, Gerard, though as you say, dark. I wouldn't say 'ick', though. 'Ick' would be if the hero was Larry. I would, however, say 'seamy'.
Tony - Thanks a million, sir. That's music to my ears, that is.
Seana - Larry as the hero...? I have to admit, there could be something in that.
thanks for reading.
Our naughty little number when you were on tour with your Heavy Metal Band sure left you scarred for life.
Well, I do have to say that I hope this isn't too autobiographical.
Anonymous - I'm sure it was quite a night. Unless you're the one who talked me into doing that weird stuff...
Thank God they didn't have digital cameras and the internet was in its infancy back then.
Seana - Not too biographical. I was actually a bass player.
Very good story, Gerard.
Nice black humor.
Oh. Well, that's all right, then.
Still not too sure about anonymous, though.
Marco - Thanks very much, sir. Glad the black humour comes through.
Seana - I think that as long as anonymous stays anonymous I'm happy enough. I'm very respectable these days.
Bloody hell! If you don't mind me saying, the biographical note "a collection of poetry for children" seemed a little at odds with that story!
Aside from that, excellent job, Ger. Well done.
Stuart - I'm a multi-faceted kind of guy. Actually, I thought I should write something my kids could read without me getting into trouble for traumatising them.
Thanks for the kind words.
Add me to the chorus of well-dones. Brutal and riveting.
Chris - Thank you very much. After reading your story, that's especially pleasing praise. I'm sure you read my thoughts on Stuart's blog, but for the record, The Well is a great story. I look forward to more from you.
All the best
Anybody still reading this comment thread - Visit Chris's blog.
yikes, let me take back that handshake (but in a good way)
Adrian - Thanks... I think.
You know, we're all just a little bit afraid of you right now, Gerard, or at least of your fictional alter ego. But I do think that's a tribute, not a detraction.
Seana - Afraid, eh? I'm in two minds about that. I like it, and on the other hand, I like it a lot.
Yeah, thought you might.
Even if I was very afraid, though, I would take consolation in the fact that Northern Ireland is a long, long way from California. Especially now that you're a family man, and no longer doing those rock tours.
Oh, I should say that I went over checked out Chris's story and liked it a lot. Though I do have to say that I seem to be accumulating a lot of disturbing anecdotes about rabbits just now.
Seana beat me to the punch with her question. Is that story autobiographical? If so, which one are you?
Wait a minute ... I withdraw the question.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that I'm trying to ruin your reputation. Ran into some folks tonight in Philly who are natives of Derry. Gave them a printout of the story.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Seana and Peter - Thanks for the comments and (Seana more so than Peter) apologies for ignoring them for so long. Been a hectic as hell week. I should be back on track blog-wise soon.
Peter - Thanks very much for spreading the word. A ruined reputation is better than none at all. I'm in your debt.
Well, I think one of the beauties of blogs is that they don't really require responses. Either by the bloggers themselves or the commenters. Or you could respond a month later.
I hope your life is hectic because productive in ways you want it to be, rather than just the daily grind.
v word=swoomi, which I like quite a lot--it has so many possibilities.
Seana - Writing's played a huge part in the hectic-ness, which I can't complain about. I'll expand on that later. The rest of my time has been devoted to daddy duties. The wee boy had minor surgery on his eyelids on Thursday, so I'm on carer's leave from the dayjob until Wednesday. I'm the big meanie who puts stingy cream in his eyes a bunch of times a day. He puts up quite a fight for a two-year-old. He doesn't hold a grudge though.
Thanks for asking.
Well, I'm glad for the writing and sorry that your two year old--and you--have to go through the eye cream ordeal. I'm glad he bears no grudges. Kids can be wonderful that way.
Although I don't know that I ever was.
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