Monday 29 March 2010

Reed Farrel Coleman -- a man of exquisite taste...

I was super-chuffed to get a blurb offer from Reed Farrel Coleman for Requiems for the Departed. Even more super-chuffed when he delivered it.

Requiems For The Departed is as Irish as a broken heart, yet universal in appeal. Stuart Neville’s “Queen of the Hill” alone is worth the price of admission, but it’s only the cream at the top of the pint. With stories from the likes of Bruen, McKinty, Moore, and Grant, you’ll want to squeeze every last drop out of this glass.

Reed Farrel Coleman three-time Shamus Award winner and author of Innocent Monster

Which proves that not only is Mister Coleman an excellent writer, he's also a man of exquisite taste. Me, Mike and the folks at Morrigan Books extend our thanks.

In the next few days I'm going to run a promotional series of interviews from the authors involved in Requiems for the Departed. I suggest you keep an eye out.