Monday 6 October 2008

We Haven't Mentioned McKinty In A While

It must be about a week now since our last post about that Carrickfergus man with the itchy feet. So, seeing as he's revealed the cover mock-up for his upcoming release, Fifty Grand, I figured I'd fire something together.

So, have a look at the cover, there. The official one is on the left. Not too shabby, eh? Well, marginally better than the CSNI version on the right. Maybe they can use the CSNI one for the paperback edition, though? I'll sell the design for thirty quid and a six-pack. And no, not a Belfast six-pack a la Michael Forsythe, Adrian. I mean, like, The Black Stuff or something.


adrian mckinty said...

Yeah, I was thinking "where's the love?"

Funnily enough I just got a rather stern email from Holt saying that I shouldnt have posted it until January '09 - 3 months before release as "all artwork is provisional until then." Gimme a break, the world's going to hell in a handbasket, you think we'll all be here in January '09? Banks closing, foreclosures, war, global warming, Sarah Palin shooting at us from helicopters if she wins or even if she doesnt win the election? No way am I waiting, I'm posting it now and moving the family to our survivalist shack in Tasmania. We're all going to learn to milk goats. . . Can you milk goats?

Of course we can use your cover for the pbk - if we're alive then! Did you read the latest news about sunspots? Good chance we're all doomed mate, doomed I tell ya, doomed.

(yes that's right, it is 2:35 in the morning here)


Michael Stone said...

Who ate all the blue smarties, then?

Gerard Brennan said...

Adrian - See, this is why you should have bought my design. I wouldn't have been bothered if you'd gotten it printed on T-shirts and flogged them on street corners. That would have been kind of cool, in fact...

Mike - Blue Smarties? You miht be on to something there!


adrian mckinty said...

during my "doomed" rant I was going to add *does private Frazier voice* but then I thought, wow the kids probably dont know who private Frazier is.

I once got a packet of Smarties at Rekyavik airport that were so old that they had lost their food dye, they were all a greyish white colour. Did I eat them anyway? You bet my friend.

Michael Stone said...

Sure I know who Private Frazier is. I live in Blue Rinse City where Dad's Army is still regarded as slightly edgy comedy.

Gerard Brennan said...

Adrian - Yeah, that gaunt Scot was one seriously haunting chap. Good job young Pike was always on hand to lift the mood a little. The stupid boy.

Did the faded Smarties taste all right?


adrian mckinty said...

no they did not. they tasted shocking. Pike's the only one left alive I think. My favourite was Sgt Wilson - that's a man you want on your side in a crisis. Or Sidney Roughdiamond in Carry On Up the Kyber.

Gerard Brennan said...

Adrian - I thought the dodgy Cockney bloke with the moustache was pretty cool. Not cool enough for me to remember his name, though. Or even google him.

Hey, I've just realised you've used html to embed that link in your first comment. Go you.


Michael Stone said...

Gerard, the actor who played the cockney character was the first to die which, when you consider all the elderly actors on the set of Dad's Army, is pretty ironic. Well, not ironic perhaps, but something like ironic.

Gerard Brennan said...

Mike - I'd go with shitty luck over irony on that occasion.
