CHESTER HIMES – A RAGE IN HARLEM………..yer man McKINTY is big on Himes and it was pretty good…….definitely one to read more of
CLARENCE COOPER JR – THE SYNDICATE……another black jailbird author like Himes……..also a dope fiend to boot…..not the best book I’ve ever read.
PINCKNEY BENEDICT – TOWN SMOKES……hillbilly, backwoods-Virginian short stories

JJ CONNOLLY – LAYER CAKE………..funny and violent tale of a drug dealer………still got the film with Daniel Craig to watch yet
ANDREW NUGENT – THE FOUR COURTS MURDER……..Irish monk author, quirky tale but he hasn’t got me gushing over it
DUANE SWIERCZYNSKI – SEVERANCE PACKAGE…….hot young crime writer from Philly……not his best book in my opinion
JOEL ROSE – KILL KILL FASTER FASTER……….down and dirty tale of a former felon
KEVIN SAMPSON – AWAYDAYS………tale of a Tranmere footie yob and his search for identity and meaning after his mum dies, absolutely knocked me out……..sad, thought provoking and absolutely hilarious……….my better half nearly booted me out of bed cos I was roaring!
CHESTER HIMES – A RAGE IN HARLEM………..yer man McKINTY is big on Himes and it was pretty good…….definitely one to read more of
CLARENCE COOPER JR – THE SYNDICATE……another black jailbird author like Himes……..also a dope fiend to boot…..not the best book I’ve ever read.
PINCKNEY BENEDICT – TOWN SMOKES……hillbilly, backwoods-Virginian short stories
JJ CONNOLLY – LAYER CAKE………..funny and violent tale of a drug dealer………still got the film with Daniel Craig to watch yet
ANDREW NUGENT – THE FOUR COURTS MURDER……..Irish monk author, quirky tale but he hasn’t got me gushing over it
DUANE SWIERCZYNSKI – SEVERANCE PACKAGE…….hot young crime writer from Philly……not his best book in my opinion
JOEL ROSE – KILL KILL FASTER FASTER……….down and dirty tale of a former felon
KEVIN SAMPSON – AWAYDAYS………tale of a Tranmere footie yob and his search for identity and meaning after his mum dies, absolutely knocked me out……..sad, thought provoking and absolutely hilarious……….my better half nearly booted me out of bed cos I was roaring!
Awaydays is good. Tranmere were always the poor relation in Merseyside. That's what brought me to the book. Wouldn't say that I cried though.
I was in absolute bits, when I read a couple of passages, not wanting to post spoilers - not that anyone's gonna pick a book up on my say so - just enough to say Tom Baker and when our man's at a party and his girlfriend interrupts him........I laughed like a fucking drain!
A bit of judicious editing of some of my comments from Gerard..which is just as well as some of you might have been eating !
Himes, Sampson...definitely need to follow up on
Adrian - Think I'll pick up a copy of Awaydays at some point in the future. Sounds like my kind of book.
Colman - As much as I believe in freedom of speech, sorry, but I didn't want to traumatise anybody. Ye sick puppy.
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