I just can't be trusted in book shops. Especially No Alibis. I mean, looking at Mount TBR, the last thing I need is more books. All I intended to do was introduce a visiting chum to one of my favourite shops. I'd no intention of picking up anyth
I got a signed hardback of Brian McGilloway's Gallows Lane, Carlo Gébler's A Good D

Anyway, that's three more NI crime books that'll be reviewed in due course.
No worries. Our stuff is supposed to finally arrive from Denver next week, so I'll hoke through and send you an HR.
Adrian - Really? Fantastic! Thanks.
Might please you to know that David was totally sold out of DIWMB. As far as I could remember he'd a tonne of those last time I was in. Oh, and my friend bought The Dead Yard, but is under strict instruction to get himself a copy of DIWMB before reading it and The Bloomsday Dead (which he already had a copy of). Think he got the last paperback copy of that too.
Gerard- I promise, first thing tomorrow, DIWMB will be on order at my local bookshop. Slightly disappointed not to come away with the full trilogy in my flight bag, but at least it gives me the chance to finish Lucy Caldwell's 'Where They Were Missed'.
And hey, thanks for a great weekend in NI.
Mike - More than welcome, mate. And I'm sure Adrian will be pretty chuffed to have picked up another fan. Lucy too.
My work here is done.
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