Monday 8 July 2013

Toilet Humour

At one of the Grand Opera House performances of The Sweety Bottle, a lady remarked, "This is all bad language and toilet humour!"

Unbeknownst to her, she relayed this discovery to one of the co-writer's sisters who then relayed it to the co-writer sitting beside her. Rumour has it that this particular co-writer* smiled as if he'd read the remark in a five-star review.

Toilet humour, like? From such a sophisticated mind? Really?

Go away and shite.

Enjoy this randomly selected snippet from The Sweety Bottle.

*The co-writer was me.


seana graham said...

Thanks. So cool that there is a clip to see!

Gerard Brennan said...

Wish I could show you more, Seana. You were the first person I thought of when I posted this.


seana graham said...

Your critic aside, it sounds like everyone else is having a grand old time.

Gerard Brennan said...

99% of the feedback has been of the grand old time variety. The other 1% can suck it. #occupythesweetybottle



Dana King said...

I', confused. Did she say "toilet humour" like it was a bad thing?

Michael Stone said...

I can't make out a single word in the clip but the audience's response tells me I'm missing out on something brilliant. Nice one, mate.

Gerard Brennan said...

Dana - My sister seemed to think so... Couldn't be right, though, could it?

Mike - Thanks, man. Is it the accent that's throwing you?

