Well now... just a quick post to wish anybody who stumbles upon this page a very happy holiday season (whatever the heck ye choose to believe or not believe) and urge you to remember to take the opportunity wherever you can get it to power down for a few days at least. Go on. You know you deserve the break.
I for one am in a terribly good mood. This is the first time I opened the laptop today. The baby is in bed, the older two kids are about to go brush their teeth after the Phineas and Ferb Xmas special and the first piece of feedback I've gotten on Wee Rockets can be read here (bottom right-hand corner).
It doesn't get much better, folks.
Happy Christmas, and may the coming year bring joy and health for you, your family, and your laptop.
V-word: retro
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Happy christmas.
I drew the short straw and i am working today! but now i'm home and have a few days off to enjoy time with the family and to read a few books.
Loved the point and also gave a few copies out as christmas presents.
looking forward to wee rockets, is it coming out as a hard copy? i still refuse to buy a kindle!
Allen McKay
Thanks, Pete! Hope 2012 is a good 'un for your fine self.
Allen - Back at ye, Doc. Hope you've had a tonne of fun with the girls. Thank you for the kind words and generosity. No sign of a print deal for Wee Rockets just yet but who knows what the future holds?
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