So anyway, as I was saying, CSNI has lost some of its raison d'etre. This used to be a blog where I posted reviews, interviews and news about the upsurge of Northern Irish crime writing. Now it's that thing I feel guilty about doing a half-assed job at. And it's not going to improve much now that we've got fifty percent more kids in the Brennan household (see evidence below).
For two years the blog went strong and seemed to get quite popular (considering the niche-market nature of the subject matter) and put me in touch with pretty much all of my favourite Irish crime writers. And I like to think it made me some real friends too. But I simply no longer have the time to hunt out new and established writers to bother them for interviews or offer them a place to spread the word about their work. So I'm rebooting the site as a personal blog.
I'll still spread the word about NI crime fiction when it falls into my lap, and I welcome anybody to get in touch with me through the blog, but I'm now focussing the ever-diminishing amount of spare time I have on promoting my own writing and other writing-related projects through CSNI.
The release of Requiems for the Departed, a book I consider to be the tangible product of the two year project that was CSNI 1.0, seems to be as good a place as any to draw a line under the original mission statement of the blog (you know, the one that went, "Primarily devoted to the boom in post-Troubles crime fiction, yadda, yadda...") and launch the new one (which I admit needs a bit of a spit-shine); "It's mostly about me now."
I figured that the remaining visitors to CSNI deserved to know about this...

(My wee family -- left to right, Jack, Oscar and Mya)
You've done an amazing job and I reckon you're personally responsible for putting NI Crime fiction to the forefront on the world stage. I'll be encouraging anything about NI crime fiction to fall in your lap so you'll have to keep visiting the olde blogger dashboard.
You definitely achieved what you set out to do with CSNI, so all kudos to you there, mate. Here's to CSNI.2!
Here's wishing you every success with the shift in gear.
May I suggest using Twitter to keep your name in lights among your many admirers?
I think your blog is great and it was heartening to see how many friends rushed to your side when I "put my foot in it".
Excitable bunch those thriller writers.
Also, you might enjoy
I write like
Just paste in a piece of your writing and the machine tells you whose style of writing you are like.
Have posted on LJ, a fond farewell ;o)
Anyhoo ... what a lovely addition to the family! :)
Take a long overdue bow, Gerard - and you're dead right to go off and enjoy your family. You've created a great community here on CSNI; one which I'm certain will endure.
Be sure and regroup in time for our 2013 City of Culture - when you can help me run the inaugural 'Guys and Dolls' crime-fest meets chick-lit fest.
Congratulations on the new arrival to the family and worry not about the reboot, we'll wait.
I bet your next blog post arrives before your next child.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
You may well be surprised by the positive reaction to writing from a more personal perspective.
I find that many blogs read like press releases and the most enjoyable ones offer insights into life in different countries and cultures.
Over the years I have had people from India, the US and France post nice comments on my photo blog.
Here's to widening horizons...
I'll be interested to see what directions you take all this in. Glad to hear you're not planning to drop off the map entirely.
Welcome, Oscar!
Best of luck and continued success. I enjoyed the short time that I was able to read your blog.
You've got a top blog here, squire, and more personal input will only enhance it. Looking forward to seeing it. If it's half as handsome as your new addition, you won't go far wrong.
Gerard, I've thoroughly enjoyed your bloq which has prompted me to read one heck of a lot of great novels. Thanks for everything
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