Wednesday 9 February 2011

Pulp Me

Serendipity, thy name is… Brennan?

Last week, some kind soul at Preface sent me a copy of Truth Lies Bleeding by Tony Black. Happy days. Love Tony’s work. I’ve read three of his four Gus Drury novels and they all got a double thumbs-up from me. But this one’s a little different from those Drury novels that I love so much. It’s a police procedural. And the cop’s called Rob Brennan. Interesting. Well to me it’s very interesting. If the character had a brother called Gerard I’d probably die happy… (you reading this, Mr Black?) I look forward to reading it.

Tony Black talks about it in greater detail over at the Do Some Damage blog.

Another interesting thing I learned about Tony Black is that he’s signed a deal to do a novella for Pulp Press

Know what else is interesting? Yes, I said interesting again. If this were a short story or a novella I’d fix that, but it’s a blog post so allow me a lazy-ass foible or two, please. Anyway, I was saying, I’ve another interesting thing to mention. Pulp Press have done a deal through wonder-agent Allan Guthrie of Jenny Brown Associates to release a novella by Gerard Brennan.

Yeah, that’s me. I’m going to be published by the same people who had the wherewithal to get Tony Black into their stable.


It’s early days yet, so I’ll say no more than this: It’s titled, THE POINT. Whether or not that title makes it through editing is yet to be determined, but if you're interested, I’ll be sure to keep you posted.


Declan Burke said...

Excellent news, sir. Hearty congrats ...

Cheers, Dec

Sean said...

Congratulations on your novella! It's a beautiful art form. My favorite literary form. But the hard work begins AFTER publication. Have fun, enjoy.

Garbhan said...

At long last love, Ger. Fair play to you!

PokerBen said...

Congratulations on your novella.

Michael Stone said...

Brill news, mate! And being in Tony Black's company just makes it all the briller.

Alan Griffiths said...

Wow! Terrific news and many congrats. Looking forward to hearing more on this project.

Best, Alan.

Gerard Brennan said...

Thanks, everybody.

Now, on to the novel-in-progress. I've been neglecting it tonight...


seana graham said...

Terrific news, gb. The novella is the underrated form, but I think ebooks, and people's busy lives, may change all that. And congratulations to Mr. Black as well, I enjoyed his story in Requiems for the Departed.

Peter Rozovsky said...

High three on the novella.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"