Monday 21 December 2009

God Loves a Trier?

Got a wee chuckle courtesy of BBC Radio Ulster on the way home from work today. You can (and should) read about the fittingly named lorry driver who 'thought his £5 million cocaine haul was bibles' on the BBC NI website.

I gotta say, if you're going to tell a lie, make it a good big one, right? Oh, but it's only a charge, so maybe I should add 'allegedly' to that wee jibe...


Michael Stone said...

Mr Bean, ha! The three guys will probably make out the coke was for their personal use next. "I've a very serious habit, m'lud."

Gerard Brennan said...

Mike - Bet they're raging they didn't think of that defence first!


Anonymous said...

The driver may have quite understandably misunderstood a throwaway remark about the contents of the truck. Something like: They'll think they're in paradise when they get their hands on this. Easily done.

Btw - I've posted the opening lines of my (almost finished) book here Fishing for comment.