Saturday 6 June 2009

Just Back

Been in Galway for a week without internet access, or even a computer. Just enjoyed my family, the weather, good food, some beer and some reading.


War of the Blue Roses by Garbhan Downey
Dispatching Baudelaire by Ken Bruen
The Killing of the Tinkers by Ken Bruen

And I started Slammer by Allan Guthrie.

Brilliant time!

I've emails and blogs to catch up on. After that, normal service? I hope.


Josephine Damian said...

No Internet = a good thing, but no computer? I thought June was the month you were supposed to be finishing your novel?

I even decicated a YouTube video to you on my Facebook page cause I thought you'd be toiling away at it (like me!)

Oh, well. Sounds like a good time was had by all in Galway.

Gerard Brennan said...

Josephine - I'm suitably chastised, and will get to work on that ASAP, though I'm still trying to get my writing leave sorted out at work. It'll have to run into July, now. I did bring a printout of the manuscript to Galway with me, though. Figured a good way to start would be to step back for a bit and see where I am. Trying not to get sucked in to the temptation to started messing with the structure until I've finished the whole draft, though.

And thanks for not going easy on me. I'll work extra hard for the rest of the month.

But what are you doing reading this? Get back to work!


Peter Rozovsky said...

Ah, some peaceful, relaxing reading in tune with the bucolic setting.
Detectives Beyond Borders
“Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home”

seana graham said...

Isn't it funny? I love the blogging world, but it did seem like a mini vacation this weekend to go spend time with my family and not have the computer along.

Glad to have you back, though.

Gerard Brennan said...

Peter - Yup, Jack Taylor really does relax you.

Seana - Thanks. I might make computer vacations a regular thing. It was pretty damn good.



marco said...

I'm just back from a tiring, exciting, bittersweet month-long electoral campaign.

Gerard Brennan said...

Marco - Welcome back! Hope you kicked ass.

Feel free to fill us in.



marco said...

I've posted a resumè on Adrian's blog, here , comments 56 and 57. Earlier in the post I did link to a video in which I'm uncharacteristically dressed in formal attire.
The site of the campaign is here. If you click my name in the list of candidates on the right you can also see an awful photo and another video.
Now go back to work+portfolio! Next year there's a new competition for Sexiest Irish Crime Writer to be won!

Peter Rozovsky said...

Bittersweet? Does that mean morally satisfying but electorally less so? In any case, get some rest!
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

marco said...

Thanks, Peter, I will and yes, you nailed it.

Gerard Brennan said...

Marco - Just been over at Adrian's reading about the time you had. Sounds tough, but great work by all accounts.

Cool pic, too. Couldn't really understand you in the video, but it looked like you were making sense. Good crowd reaction too.

