In the very early days of CSNI, I interviewed Tony Bailie and reviewed his first novel, The Last Chord. It was Dec Burke that originally got me thinking about starting up a blog dedicated to crime fiction, with a leaning towards work by Northern Irish authors, but it was reading books by writers like Tony Bailie that swung it. Tony's book was published by Lagan Press, and although it's a house with a long history in producing great Northern Irish literature, it just doesn't have a whole lot of money. So, great books are published but don't get the recognition they deserve because there isn't enough cash to promote them. Obviously, a review on CSNI won't shoot any book into the New York Times best seller's, but it's an extra wee bit of publicity.
And after only a little bit of cajoling, Mr Bailie has gone ahead and started his own blog. Visit ecopunks and read an excerpt from The Lost Chord and some great articles on Rory Gallagher, The Undertones and more. And sure, why not buy his book while your at it. Just to prove me right, like.
Undertones you say, for some reason I'm hankering after a Mars Bar.
I need a Mars Bar
Hey raid the Spar
To help me through the day
I need a Mars Bar
I've had total fun
It helps me - makes me - work rest and play
It helps me - makes me - work rest and play
I never eat my dinner
I push away the plate
You can see I'm getting thinner
Because I just can't wait
To get my Mars Bar
Hey raid the Spar ...
Hear here!
Thanks for plugging The Lost Chord yet again Gerard. I reckon that's about 17 and a half pints I owe you now.
Fine song that Mars Bars is I can never help thinking of the story about Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithful being caught in a compromising position involving the popular chocolate bar.
Tony - No worries, mate. Just make sure I don't collect them all at once. Things would get... messy.
Jagger and Faithful, eh? That's a story I'll not think too hard about.
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