Well, I received the first print run of Requiems for the Departed. A good chunk of the books will go straight to No Alibis for the launch, details as follows:
No Alibis Bookstore is pleased to invite you to the launch of Irish crime fiction anthology, REQUIEMS FOR THE DEPARTED, edited by Gerard Brennan and Mike Stone, on Thursday 10th June at 6:30PM.
Along with co-editor Gerard Brennan (of Crime Scene NI fame), we're expecting appearances from the following contributors: Brian McGilloway, Stuart Neville, Arlene Hunt, T.A. Moore, Tony Bailie, John McAllister and Garbhan Downey, so this is sure to be an evening to remember.
Book your spot now by emailing David, or calling the shop on 9031 9607.
So, if you're in or close to Belfast, come along, guys. These books won't be around forever. They've already started to sell. Check out this pic of the first two customers.

Thank God they get their looks from their mother.
And BTW I got the reference...
its that bit in BTTF when George gets redemption via a box of his newly minted books.
I aint just a pretty face.
I'll be there in spirit. I'll try not to take up too much space.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Happy days, squire ... and congrats. Always nice to have an actual book to heft in your hand ...
How come you didn't invite McKinty? Not pretty enough?
Cheers, Dec
Adrian - So long as they get their brains from her as well, they'll breeze through life. I can only hope.
Peter - I'll save you a seat.
Dec - Thanks, sir. I'm pretty chuffed about it all right. As for McKinty, in a choice between him and, say, Arlene Hunt, I think you can guess who has the edge...
Check out this pic of the first two customers.
Boy, sure Irish youngsters sure get into their crime fiction early. I hope actual crime will wait at least a few years.
Thank God they get their looks from their mother
Nah, the little one is all Ger.
I'm looking forward to this. A lot.
Gerard \ Mike \ Conributing Authors,
Congrats, and please post when it is available for purchase online.
I'll be there sitting next to Peter R.
Looking good. And looking forward to receiving my copy in the post.
Looking good. And looking forward to receiving my copy in the post.
Marco - Good to see you here again! How have you been? And thank you. Me and the son do get a lot of Doctor Evil and Mini Me comparrisons...
Stuart - Not long now.
Sean - Thanks, man. Just lay off the free wine. Spirits are grand.
Paul - Cheers, mate. Hope you like it as much as I do.
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