Friday 20th November, 7:00pm
This event will take place in Eighty81, Ebrington.
An Evening with Des Doherty, Glenn Patterson and Colin Carberry, hosted by BBC NI's Marie Louise Muir.
A corrupt lawyer is nailed to a chair in the middle of Ebrington Square in Derry. Why? DCI Jon Valberg wonders if it is an early entry for the Turner Prize in the city’s Year of Culture.
‘Gerry, have you, or someone else, made a last-minute entry for the Turner Prize? If so, it’s sure to win.’
Publishers Guildhall Press launch Desmond Doherty’s much anticipated third Valberg novel, ‘Deadlight’, at the location of the book's dramatic opening scene in Ebrington.
The Valberg titles have been praised for their visual and cinematic style, most notably by world-renowned author Lee Child, originator of the Jack Reacher character, who commented: “First rate writing, one to watch.” The Valberg series has recently been optioned and will be adapted for the screen by award-winning writing duo Glenn Patterson and Colin Carberry.
BBC Arts Extra presenter Marie-Louise Muir will interview Valberg creator and author Desmond Doherty on the writing process and chair a panel discussion regarding the transfer of Valberg to the screen with screenwriters Glenn Patterson and Colin Carberry and local producer, Mark McCauley.
‘Deadlight’ will be released by Guildhall Press on Friday 20 November 2015.
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