Wednesday 23 October 2013



I'm a sucker for the aul buy one get one free deal come grocery time. It's not just me, is it?

If not, here's my wee attempt at a BOGOF deal:

Buy a copy of WEE ROCKETS in paperback (Yes! That happened!) from Amazon UK or US. Send me a picture of you reading said tome (with your permission to post it here) via Facebook, Twitter or the email address over on the upper right there, and I'll send you a signed copy of THE POINT or WELCOME TO THE OCTAGON (your choice) in paperback absolutely free. I'll even pay for postage and pen ink. Extra points (and a mystery prize if I can think of one) if your pic makes me laugh.

I can't do this forever, so for now, let's say that the first three wonderful folks to send me the pic win. If it goes well I might extend this. If there's no interest at all, I'll shrug and say that I don't care, but really I'll be a wee bit hurt. Then I'll get over it.

I believe I've laid all my cards on the table. Your move.

P.S. If you prefer to support your local bookshop, fair fecks to you. I'll run another comp if/when an independent bookshop stocks some of the copies I've ordered for myself. It might take a few weeks to sort, but we'll get there.

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