Let's face it. If you haven't read James Joyce's ULYSSES by now, you're probably not going to. But what you could do instead on this fine day is check out Adrian McKinty's THE BLOOMSDAY DEAD. It's the book I describe as the "bastard child of Tony Soprano morality and James Joyce literacy". Gotta be good, right?
Nice plug, and I agree, but no one's off the hook on Ulysses as far as I'm concerned. Maybe read The Bloomsday Dead first and then read Ulysses so that you can get the references...
Live in Northern Ireland? Visiting? Well, I suggest you stop in at No Alibis, the hotspot for all your crime fiction needs. Click the No Alibis logo to visit the store's website.
Gerard Brennan's short stories have appeared in numerous anthologies, including The Mammoth Book of Best British Crime. He co-edited Requiems for the Departed, a collection of crime fiction based on Irish myths. His novella, The Point, was published by Pulp Press in October 2011 and won the 2012 Spinetingler Award. His debut novel, WEE ROCKETS, was published by Blasted Heath in 2012. He is currently working on a creative writing PhD at Queen's University Belfast
That's a great book.
Nice plug, and I agree, but no one's off the hook on Ulysses as far as I'm concerned. Maybe read The Bloomsday Dead first and then read Ulysses so that you can get the references...
Read this last week (about time an' all) and it absolutely rocked. The tension builds and build to a truly satisfying climax.
And yes, I was still talking about the book.
Paul - T'is indeed.
Seana - I'll try and get around to it...
Mike - Nothing sorts out tension better than a satisfying climax. Ahem.
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