Sam Millar's tormented PI, Karl Kane, returns! The Dark Place, published by Brandon, will hit the shelves on the 2nd of September. Here's some nifty pics of the cover. Click the images for an extreme close-up.
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Gerard Brennan's short stories have appeared in numerous anthologies, including The Mammoth Book of Best British Crime. He co-edited Requiems for the Departed, a collection of crime fiction based on Irish myths. His novella, The Point, was published by Pulp Press in October 2011 and won the 2012 Spinetingler Award. His debut novel, WEE ROCKETS, was published by Blasted Heath in 2012. He is currently working on a creative writing PhD at Queen's University Belfast
Good lord, that's a provocative cover.
Gordon - T'is indeed. And if Bloodstorm is anything to go by, it's a good match for the book's content.
I like the way they've kept the blood motif on both books --nice unifying element.
There's a piece upcoming on 'Bloodstorm' over at NSS, actully. liked it way more than I expected to.
Gordon - That's excellent. I'll keep an eye out for that.
Excellent cover! I still you think you should do a great covers posting some day!
Adrian - You're right! I'll have to get on that.
I've pencilled 8th July into my diary by the way.
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