Friday 4 July 2008

Verbal Magazine - Issue 15

This month's Verbal is now available in PDF on their website. It meets its usual high standards, despite the fact that they've printed my reviews for Adrian McKinty's The Bloomsday Dead, Aifric Campbell's The Semantics of Murder and Colin Bateman's Orpheus Rising.

You'll also find a review of John Connolly's The Reapers, penned by Tammy Moore.

And, if you live in the North of Ireland, be sure to pick up tomorrow's Belfast Telegraph. They have an article on crime fiction by Adrian McKinty! If you can't pick up a copy, I'll provide the highlights in the near future.


adrian mckinty said...

Fine reviews they are too, Ger, especially the nuanced take on that unassuming masterpiece Bloomsday Dead. Listen, I have read the Bel Tel piece just now and theres actually disappointingly little about crime fiction and a lot of tittle tattle about brothels, lap-dancing clubs and random sex, I mean I ask you, is this the grey old Belfast Telegraph of yore or The Daily flipping Star?

Gerard Brennan said...

Why thank you, Mr McKinty.

Did you notice that their competition was inspired by your masterpiece?

And I think I'm even more interested in your Tele article now...

